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Greg Carpenter
Greg Carpenter

Download Firmware for HPE FlexFabric 5700 32XGT 8XG 2QSFP+ Switch Series

Follow the below steps to search and download/upgrade firmware/software:1. Login to the My Networking Portal. Click here.2. In the Enter Search Information field, type the product number or name. [Do not type the serial number]3. Select the appropriate model by ticking the check box. Select multiple products by ticking multiple check boxes.4. Under the Product information/Warranty support click on Software downloads and a list of software versions available will be displayed.5. Choose the latest or appropriate firmware/software bundle and click on the arrow button under Select column.6. Click on the Download button to save the firmware/software bundle.

Firmware upgrade is the next logical step after you set up IRF. The latest firmware revision for the switches can be download from HPE web-site. Keep in mind you will need a HPE passport account, with a valid service agreement (SAID) added…

Greg Carpenter
Greg Carpenter

Get Started with MPLAB X IDE: Download, Installation, and Configuration Guide

Leave the box checked if you want to have your web browser opened to the Microchip MPLAB XC compiler download page to download a compiler for use with MPLAB X IDE. Uncheck the box if you already have a compiler or want to download one later. Click Finish. Installation is complete. There will be icons for MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IPE on the desktop. There will also be launchers in the Windows/Start menu under All Programs > Microchip > MPLAB X IDE.

If you don't have Java or the open source IcedTea installed, the installer will run in text mode in the terminal. You don't need to install Java for MPLAB X IDE to run. A special version of Java will be installed in the mplabx directory exclusively for use by MPLAB X IDE. It will not interfere…

Greg Carpenter
Greg Carpenter

Download Mirai, the best Homunculus AI for Ragnarok Online

Homunculus S skills:Revision [16797] does not have any Homunculus S abilities implemented yet, they are there just for awesome looks .My quickfix in "Step 2 / Step 3" allows the AI to use pre-mutation abilities of [ Lif, Filir, Amistr, Vanilmirth ].The Mirai_v1_2_2.rar file has a Readme.txt file that guides you through the whole ordeal of getting it ready to use.For those who wish to check out the steps required before downloading / using it see the guide below.If you have any questions about or problems with the AI, please post them in this thread.Please let me know if it also works for other revisions .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step 1: - Preferably delete the folders before placing the files from the zip in the ragnarok folder ( Keep a backup just in case ). - Replace the folders "AI" and "AI_sakray" with the files…


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